Below are Shell Philippines' Project Shelter responses to the COVID-19.
For the safety and well-being of their employees, Shell has made available the following services to its employees:
- Flexible working arrangements
- Financial assistance such as access to emergency loans
- 24x7 Tele-Medicine medical service to minimize staff exposure to hospitals and clinics.
- Virtual counseling services
- Temporary accommodation and transportation support needed for business continuity.
As for their customers, they still continue to provide vital energy products amidst the challenges and have put in place business continuity plans to sustain operations. Malampaya continues to operate to provide 30% of Luzon’s power needs and our Shell stations will remain open to serve motorists and provide basic services.
Moreover, Shell salutes the frontliners who have been tirelessly working to #FlattenTheCurve. And, to support the medical and government frontliners, Shell is extending help as follows:
- Donation of N95 face masks to the Department of Health and the Philippine General Hospital
- Donation of Select Water to 7 Hospitals.
- Through our Shell retailers, they are giving food packs, biscuits and water for medical workers, police force and military personnel and logistics drivers
- Donation to the Municipality of Pasacao, Camarines Sur for the purchase of relief goods for indigent families
- They also a partner of the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation in COVID-19 response.
In addition, Shell's own forecourt staff are frontliners too, as they continue to serve the needs of the motorists. To support their Shell forecourt staff, they are providing the following:
- Accommodation in the stations with transportation to and from work
- Meals for staff while on duty
- Face masks and alcohol for when they are on duty and when they travel to and from our stations.
- Financial support for staff grounded by the enhanced community quarantine.
Pilipinas Shell will continue to monitor the situation closely and follow advice from public health authorities to help ensure the well-being of their employees, customers, and local communities.