Wi-Fi Connection Now Available Onboard PAL |
Here’s some good news! No need to worry about missing important emails and messages as Philippine Airlines now have available WiFi connection on its flights. All passengers need to do is to unlock their phones and connect to myPAL Wi-Fi Hi-Speed.
If you’re one of those who still think that you can survive, say, a 16-hour flight disconnected to the world, here are a few reasons on why staying online while onboard is a must:
Update your loved ones on your whereabouts.
Give your family, friends, and relatives peace of mind by telling them about your location. Avoid the silence between your “Hey, I’m already in the plane!” and your “Hi! I just landed” messages. With PAL’s Wi-Fi service, you can have access to important messaging apps to stay connected to your loved ones while you’re traversing your long flight.
Never miss a beat. Worried about missed office emails and memo announcements? Use the hours of your long flight while attending to some work matters. While you’re high up and flying in comfort, you could get work done as well. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.
Post images and videos in real-time. No need to wait until you’re in your hotel room to update your social media pages with your travel pictures and videos. Share a photo of your delicious in-flight meal instantly on Facebook and let the world know about your Philippine Airline Experience.
Customize your in-flight entertainment. While there are a number of shows and series you could choose from in PAL’s in-flight entertainment, sometimes, you would just want to scroll through videos and movies on YouTube and Netflix. Go ahead and surf your go-to websites with internet speeds that rival your regular on-ground connections.
Don’t let long flights bore the hell out of you. The myPAL Wi-Fi Hi-Fi internet connection offers a complimentary 30MB for all passengers with an additional 100MB for those in Business Class seats.
Once passengers reach their allotted data cap, they can easily renew and opt for an additional 100MB for only USD5 which they can pay onboard or through credit card.
Learn about this speedy new feature on ?www.philippineairlines.com, or follow PAL’s Facebook page (?Facebook.com/flyPAL), Twitter (@flyPAL) and Instagram (@flyPAL).